As a customer you may be seen as a target for fraudulent activities. Please familiarise yourself with the types of fraud and scams that exist and then arm yourself with information and tools to better protect yourself and your money.
Phishing is a scam where hackers 'fish' for your personal details by using emails claiming to be from financial institutions. The email asks the recipient to provide sensitive information such as their username, password, User ID or PIN by providing a link leading to an authentic-looking website, enabling thieves to gather the details for later fraudulent use.
Anyone who uses the internet should be aware of the types of malicious software that exist. Malware is software developed by cyber attackers with the intention of gaining access or causing damage to a computer or network, often while the victim remains oblivious to the fact there's been a compromise. Types of malware include viruses, trojans, spyware, ransomware, adware, worms, and more.
Identity Theft
Identity theft occurs when a dishonest individual or syndicate gathers your personal details with the intention of impersonating you to gain financial or other benefit. It often leaves the owner of the identity in large debt, with a negative credit history, and, in some cases, with legal implications.
Skimming occurs when information stored on your credit or debit card’s magnetic strip is stolen when your card is swiped during a sales or ATM transaction. Thieves are then able to reproduce fake cards using your stolen details. Once completed, fake replicated cards can be used to make purchases with your credit line. Dishonest merchants can not only "skim" your card but can also process unauthorised duplicate transactions using your card details.
Credit Card & Debit Card Fraud
In addition to skimming, credit or debit card fraud can occur when your card is lost or stolen and used by a third party to purchase goods or to withdraw cash from the card. It is important that you report any lost or stolen cards to J Trust Royal immediately so that your card can be cancelled and you can be issued with a replacement card.
Cheque Fraud
Cheque fraud is the deliberate misuse of a cheque to obtain financial advantage. This includes altering the payee or amount on a cheque, stealing cheques, duplicating or counterfeiting cheques, using false invoices to solicit legitimate cheques, or depositing a cheque for payment knowing that insufficient funds are in the account to cover the deposited cheque.
Report a lost, stolen or misplaced card
Call our 24/7 Customer Care Centre: +855 (0) 23 999 000
Report a hoax email or suspicious message
Send us an email
Report fraudulent or unusual activity
Call us immediately: +855 (0) 23 999 000
This information seeks to raise awareness and provides general information only. It may be necessary or appropriate to ensure that measures are taken in addition to, or in substitution for, the measures presented having regard to your particular personal or business circumstances.